If you are trying to get pregnant, hearing about other people’s pregnancies and even seeing new babies can cause a range of emotions. You are not alone. Infertility affects about 1 in 10 women, and various factors can be the cause. Even with a full fertility work-up, one in five couples can have infertility that remains unexplained. One potential cause of fertility issues that we’ll discuss in this blog is endometriosis.

Endometriosis and Fertility

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, endometriosis is a common condition affecting 2-10% of women of childbearing age. During a woman’s menstrual cycle, tissue lines the uterus and is shed monthly. With endometriosis, tissue grows outside the uterus in theh pelvis on other reproductive organs or abdominal cavity. The build up and breakdown of this tissue outside of the uterus causes bleeding in the pelvis and leads to inflammation and scars, which can cause significant pain, frequent urination, fatigue, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

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Endometriosis is the cause of infertility in about 20-40% of child-bearing age women. It is important to note that Endometriosis is diagnosed in up to half of young girls and teens with pelvic pain and painful periods. Early intervention is important.

To definitively diagnose a case of endometriosis, there are many factors a doctor considers like family history and coexisting conditions. In addition to this, it is important to understand how to prepare for the exam. An assessment of symptoms can include a physical exam and bloodwork. Sometimes it is necessary for a doctor to go further with diagnostic testing like utilizing x-rays, CT scans, and performing a laparoscopy. This is where an incision is made in the abdomen so that the doctor can view the reproductive organs and biopsy tissue. However your doctor proceeds, we encourage you to ask questions to your doctor to make informed decisions on your health.

Fertility issues due to endometriosis likely happens for several reasons. When the external endometrial tissue adheres to the fallopian tubes, the endometritian tissue can distort the fallopian tubes, making them unable to attach to an egg after ovulation. The inflammation and scarring can directly affect the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, or the eggs themselves, making it more challenging to get pregnant. When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, an ectopic pregnancy might occur.

Other Causes of Infertility

Endometriosis is not the only cause of infertility, which is why consulting with a fertility specialist should be your first step. Speak with a professional if you have been trying to conceive for more than six months or if you are over thirty-five. Other risk factors for female infertility can be pituitary gland disorders, uterine fibroids or polyps, thyroid disease, kidney disease, celiac disease, stress, advanced age, etc.

Endometriosis Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms and think you might have endometriosis, speak with your doctor. While having endometriosis does not mean that you will have fertility issues, in some cases, surgery might be necessary to repair the ovary or remove cysts. A surgical team would remove abnormal tissue and scars or drain or excise cysts. Other individuals might require fertility treatments such as IVF or medication supplements. Hormone therapies are often successful in helping to alleviate symptoms associated with endometriosis. Since birth control is a therapy for endometriosis, hormone therapy would impact getting pregnant and should be avoided if you are trying to conceive. Many women can spontaneously become pregnant without interventions if endometriosis has not caused damage to the reproductive system.

Pelvic Floor Therapy as Treatment Option

Due to the inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis, pelvic floor muscles tend to react to the stress by tightening, causing stiffness and discomfort among the pelvic organs and can also cause back or other body pain. Pelvic floor therapy might be a good solution for you to help alleviate some of the pain associated with endometriosis. A pelvic floor physical therapist can work with you on relaxation and massage exercises and tensing and relaxing movements to retrain the muscles in the pelvic floor area.

How Can Hann’s Pharmacy Help?

We have compiled five things you can do right now if you are trying to conceive that will give you some actionable steps as you work through your fertility journey. Wherever you are in the process, Hann’s Pharmacy is an excellent resource for support and knowledgeable information about fertility medications and supplements. We have over forty years of pharmaceutical experience helping treat fertility patients with prescription and over-the-counter needs. We also carry lines of essential oils that help soothe inflammation, relieve stress, boost your mood, and may improve your sleep. Contact us via secure text at 703-495-3350 or email info@hannspharmacy.com You can also browse our fertility medication library by clicking here.